The hilarious "Duckie Duck" by Kate Toms is one of my recommendations for kids learning to read. My son got this book from his aunt in Calgary a few years ago and since then has become one of his favorites. First of all, this is not your average duck tale. This is a story about a fowl who, candidly, seems to have missed the memo on duck protocol. Most ducks quack, but Duckie whistles. Others love to swim, but not him — Duckie likes boat rides. While other water birds fly, he enjoys floating inside a hot air balloon. The rhyming text and delightful hand-stitched illustrations make the book visually appealing to children. So, if you're looking for a book to teach your quirky little kids to read, "Duckie Duck" is just perfect.
Created by LFZ Studio , this giant acorn in France is a cool space to escape the digital deluge. For some, the wooden pod is a temporary escape from reality. For others, it’s a nice place to take a nap. And for a select few, it’s a nerve-wracking dive into claustrophobia. The pod blends perfectly with the forest and the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds create a natural soundtrack for meditation. In this sanctuary, time seems to slow down, allowing for a deeper connection with oneself and nature. |h/t: Design Boom |