During the heyday of MTV, when the channel actually stood for Music Television, there was an edgy animated sitcom called Beavis and Butt-Head . Created by Mike Judge, the show premiered in 1993 and featured a pair of teenage dimwits. They became pop culture icons, and the show spawned a big-screen spin-off. In 1997, after four years and 209 episodes, the original series went off the air. But Beavis and Butt-Head survived. There were reruns and a one-season revival back in 2011. Just recently, Judge signed a deal with Comedy Central to bring them back to television. Details of the new series are few right now but, according to The Hollywood Reporter , the King of the Hill director will write, produce and voice a reimagined version of the show for two seasons. "Beavis and Butt-Head were a defining voice of a generation, and we can't wait to watch as they navigate the treacherous waters of a world light-years from their own," said ViacomCBS' Chris McCarthy. Plus, ...