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This ballpoint pen digitally records handwritten notes

The Orée Stylograph is ballpoint pen that can digitally record and store notes and sketches made in a companion notepad. It is made of real copper, and uses fine ballpoint cartridges which can be refilled. It has a high-speed micro camera that tracks pen strokes, while an accelerometer detects its movement and angle.

The content stored inside the Stylograph can be transferred to both iOS and Android devices with bluetooth pairing. According to Orée, the pen can be used for up to 42 hours, and it can be recharged via micro USB. You can't buy this yet, and its selling price has not been unveiled. However it will be available for pre-order online and at selected retailers later in September.

This is what I want for my birthday. If there's someone out there generous enough, share!

[h/t: Northmodern]


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