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Werner Herzog offers online filmmaking courses

If you want to become a filmmaker, but don't know how to get started, and lack either the time or money for film school, take Werner Herzog's online filmmaking course. MasterClass has selected the eccentric German director to commit on video his thoughts about the craft, and taking lessons from one of the best filmmakers of all-time is a rare opportunity.

For an enrollment fee of $90, Herzog's class offers twenty video lessons on every aspect of filmmaking, from "pre-production to distribution." Kevin Spacey and Dustin Hoffman both did MasterClasses on acting, and Usher did one where he teaches you how to become a better performer.

Herzog is responsible for movies like Invincible, Grizzly Man, Rescue Dawn and Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans. He has produced, written, and directed over 70 feature and documentary films, and is regarded as one of the most influential directors alive. The trailer below offers a little taste of what you'll be getting.


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